Qui è possibile visualizzare una selezione della nostra gamma di piante Agapanthus
Essi sono appositamente selezionate nel Regno Unito per la loro robustezza.
Tutte le nostre cultivar non variegate sono prodotte da micro propagazione garantire uniformità e vigore.
Una vasta gamma di 30 varietà.
- Consegna tutto l'anno in nove centimetri vasi.
- Tutti i nuovi introduzioni produrranno fiori 1 anno dopo l'invasatura.
- 9 centimetri rinvasare le piante in vasi da 2-3 litri tra agosto e marzo, a fiore giugno / luglio, se le condizioni di crescita sono giuste.
- Possiamo anche offrire piante in vaso tre centimetri, se necessario.
Guarda la gallery agapanthus:

'Agapanthus 'African Skies'
This very strong striking selection produces large rounded flowerheads on strong upright stems. Flowers are mid-blue with a darker stripe through each petal.

Agapanthus 'Arctic Star'
A white flowered variety selected for its hardiness and speed to flower. Striking black anthers.

Agapanthus 'Black Magic'
Our darkest cultivar. Black buds open to dark inky-indigo flowers. Flowerhead is rounded but with some pendulous trumpets. Late flowering.

Agapanthus 'Black Pantha'
Globes of deep blue-black, trumpet-shaped flowers that burst from almost black buds.

Agapanthus 'Charlotte'
Compact with clusters of sterile blue star shaped flowers that slowly open to form loose globes. Long flowering period that starts in late spring.

Agapanthus 'DFS 13.118'
Dark blue, almost black buds evolve into inky blue flowers, on upright stems.

Agapanthus 'Double Diamond'
BEST SELLER. Dwarf selection which has double white flowers that carry up to 10 tepals per flower. Pronounced yellow stamens. Ideal for patio containers, the front of borders or even a rockery.

Agapanthus 'Ever Sapphire'
Round blue flowers are produced over an extended flowering period, longer than most selections. Compact habit and great balance between stem length and flower form. Good flowering partner with Ever White. Very free flowering.

Agapanthus 'Ever White'
Oustanding rounded white flowers that are produced over an extended flowering period. Free flowering, excellent foliage and a great collection partner with Ever Sapphire. Very free flowering

Agapanthus 'Glenavon'
Large flowerheads made-up of hundres of blue florets, all with dark stripes on the petals.

Agapanthus 'Hanneke'
This South African selection has large rounded umbels that are a strong violet-blue, on erect upright stems. Glaucous foliage. Very handsome.

Agapanthus 'Indigo Dreams'
Hardy campanulatus type with the darkest indigo flowers. Small open umbels are produced in great numbers on each plant.

Agapanthus 'Lapis Lazuli'
BEST SELLER. Flowers early and over a long season. Deep blue flowers are small but plentiful on this semi-deciduous agapanthus.

Agapanthus 'Midnight Madness'
This excellent hardy variety was named by Breeder Ken Rigney after his front garden was destroyed by a run away car. Tall dark blue flowers.

Agapanthus 'Navy Blue'
Very dark blue flowers in clusters from August to September. Lush green strap-like leaves.

Agapanthus 'Northern Star'
BEST SELLER. An outstanding deciduous selection that is very free flowering. It produces strong stems that are topped with rounded flowerheads, which are packed with dark purple buds. The buds open to reveal reflexed star shaped flowers that are blue with darker purple stripes down each petal.

Agapanthus 'Pino'
A bold impulsive compact plant that produces masses of dense blue flowerheads on short stems. Very free flowering.

Agapanthus 'Poppin Purple'
Evergreen, clump forming herbaceous perennial. Metalic purple buds evolve into dark purple flowers on compact strong stems.

Agapanthus 'Purple Delight'
A late-flowering South African cultivar that produces well rounded umbels with abundant purple flowers. Evergreen. (90cm).

Agapanthus 'Queen Mum'
Bi-colour flowers that change from blue in the throat to white on the petal edge. Large flower heads produced on strong upright stems. Evergreen, broad strap-like green leaves. Good patio plant. (100cm x 50cm).

Agapanthus 'Regal Beauty'
Dark individual violet-blue florets make up massive flower heads up 30cm in diameter. A show stopping plant with strong evergreen foliage. (1m).

Agapanthus 'Silver Baby'
A hardy, compact and evergreen plant with striking silvery-white flowers with edges tinged blue. Very free flowering. (50cm).

Agapanthus 'Snow Cloud'
Huge white flower heads composed of masses of pure white florets. Evergreen, needs some winter protection in pots.

Agapanthus 'Snow Crystal'
Lovely white flowers are produced on tall upright stems, evergreen foliage. (80cm).

Agapanthus 'Strawberry Ice'
White flowers are densely clustered and carry a pink flush through them which becomes darker as the flowers age. Flowers areheld upright on sturdy stems. Very striking. Evergreen. (60cm)

Agapanthus 'White Heaven'
Large heads of exquisite, pure white, many petalled flower heads. Evergreen and flowers late in summer. (1m)

Agapanthus 'Windsor Grey'
Large heads of greyish, pale-violet blue flowers. Height 85cm. Easy to grow. Semi-deciduous.

Agapanthus code MDB001 E
BEST SELLER. Award winning selection providing an improvement over 'Twister' by reducing cleaning time before dispatch.

Agapanthus Jacaranda
Early flowering. Mid-blue flowers open to show a central stripe of dark blue on each floret.

Agapanthus Sweet Surprise
Agapanthus Sweet Surprise - Cette variété est parmi notre sélection de agapanthes en gros

Agapanthus Twister
Agapanthus Twister - Cette variété est parmi notre sélection de agapanthes en gros