Growing lavenders for over 2o years
For over 20 years the nursery has earned a reputation for supply of quality Lavenders in 9cm pots for growing on, mail order and direct retail sales.
Our range of 40 cutting-raised cultivars combines tried and tested old favourites with modern improvements in flowering, habit and disease resistance.
Our Lavenders are grown outside on capillary beds between May and November and under polythene and glass over the winter. Our cuttings are sourced from nurseries certified as free from Xylella.
View our lavender range:

Lavandula a. 'Essence Purple'
Dense clump of green aromatic foliage, producing a profusion of purple flower spikes. (40cm)

Lavandula a. 'Havana'
Compact and dark blue this new selection has buds that appear frosted and bi-colour. Foliage performs well through the winter. (50cm)

Lavandula a. 'Imperial Gem'
Similar colour and habit to Hidcote but less prone to disease and makes a better formed bush. (40cm)

Lavandula a. 'Little Lady'
Very free flowering selection with clear light blue flowers. Hardy and compact in habit, reaching 40cm in 5 years. Foliage performs well through winter.

Lavandula a. 'Lodden Blue'
An excellent foliage plant with large grey-green leaves and mid purply-blue flowers. (50cm)

Lavandula a. 'Lodden Pink'
Sister to Loddon Blue raised before 1950 - so has stood the test of time! Flowers are pinky-grey and fade to soft mauve and the foliage is again robust and grey-green. (60cm)

Lavandula a. 'Melissa Lilac'
A real stunner - large lilac flowers and strong robust silvery-green foliage. A colour break and a plant that will delight your customers. (60cm). PVR Applies.

Lavandula a. 'Phenomenal'
Strong silvery foliage with tall purple spikes. It's claimed to cope with humidity and cold better than other selections. Foliage performs well through winter. (75cm) PVR Applies.

Lavandula a. BeeZee 'Dark Blue'
Compact mounds of scented silvery foliage with masses of deep, dark blue flowers. (40cm)

Lavandula a. BeeZee 'Light Blue'
Free flowering Lavender with petite light blue flowers over compact mounds of silvery-green foliage. (40cm)

Lavandula i. 'Edelweiss'
Strongly scented, pointed white flowers are produced in late summer above dense grey-green foliage. Arching habit. (70cm)

Lavandula i. 'Provence'
Very fragrant with lovely dark flowers in late summer. Great for overwintering. (75cm)

Lavandula i. 'Sensational'
This reblooming lavender has very large intense purple flowers on bright silver compact foliage. (60cm)

Lavandula i. 'Silver Sands'
A dramatic silver foliage selection that carries elegant flower stems in mid summer that are topped by dark purple almost magenta flowers. Selected for its ease of over wintering compared to Sawyers. Bred by David Christie of Jersey Lavender. (70cm). PVR Applies.

Lavandula s. 'Fairy Wings Blush'
White flowers with a hint of pink, topped with white coloured flags. Ideal for patio containers. (50cm)

Lavandula s. 'Fairy Wings Pink'
Deep pink flowers that are topped with pink flags. Ideal for patio containers. (50cm)

Lavandula s. 'Fairy Wings Purple'
Purple flowers that are topped with lilac flags. Ideal for patio containers. (50cm)

Lavandula s. 'Fathead'
Free flowering, plum-purple sterile bracts on large rounded flower heads. Selected for its hardiness and ease of over wintering. (40cm)

Lavandula s. 'Kew Red'
Cerise-crimson flowers with paler pink sterile bracts produced from April through to the first frosts. Whilst theplant will not survive frost, it is an irresistible patioplant. Suitable for tubs and containers as well as front of borders and hanging baskets. Requires protection in spring but best grown outside during the summer. (40cm)

Lavandula s. 'Lilac Wings'
Selected for its compact habit and abundant lilac flowers in late spring. Suitable for production in smaller pots. Selected by John Burrows of Pro-Veg. (40cm). PVR Applies.

Lavandula s. 'Lusi Pink'
A great selection that has large purple-blue flowerheads, topped with pink flags. The plant is upright in growth and the foliage holds its quality well in winter (40cm)

Lavandula s. 'Lusi Purple'
A great selection that has large purple-blue flowerheads, topped with purple flags. The plant is upright in growth and the foliage holds its quality well in winter (40cm)

Lavandula s. 'Regal Splendour'
A true colour break in stoechas - purple-violet flags and royal purple flower heads on a plant with excellent green foliage which is highly aromatic. (70cm). PVR Applies.

Lavandula s. 'Snowman'
Large white flowers, more compact habit than stoechas alba reaching only 40cm.

Lavandula s. 'Tiara'
Purple-blue flower heads topped by creamy-white bracts. Excellent spring flowering selection that flowers again later in summer if trimmed or programmed for later sale. From the same royal stable as Regal Splendour. A hungry feeder. (70cm). PVR Applies.

Lavandula x. 'Christiana'
The most architectural of all lavenders. Finely cut silvery-grey foliage and distinctive long stemmed, trident-like flower heads virtually all year round.Blue flowers. Ideal for containers. Requires winter protection. (40cm)

Lavandula i. 'Grosso'
A profusion of mid-blue flowers. Green-grey foliage. Very robust plant which is ideal for landscape use as well as in gardens. We find this the easiest cultivar to overwinter.The flowers follow after the angustifolia forms in August which extends the flowering season. The most commonly used plant for oil and cut flower production. (75cm)